Liver and Detoxification

Klaire Labs offers antioxidants, amino acids, accessory nutrients, and botanicals to support Liver function and detoxification.

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  1. Main Bottle Image K-BSP-12
    Ther-Biotic® Biospora™
    Probiotic support to help recondition the gut for enhanced GI and immune support.
    • Enhanced support for healthy GI and immune system function
    • Optimize gastrointestinal health
    • Spore-forming probiotics such as Bacillus are vital to the food chain as they have the intrinsic ability to produce a multitude of enzymes, secretory proteins, antimicrobial compounds, vitamins, and carotenoids.

    100% spore-based probiotic blend that helps recondition the gut by encouraging microbial diversity and preserving essential health promoting commensal gut bacteria.

    SKU# K-BSP-12
  2. Main Bottle Image
    Ther-Biotic® InterFase®
    Enzyme combination to disrupt biofilm matrix
    • In vitro testing demonstrates significant anti-biofilm activity
    • Helps degrading bacterial and yeast cell wall structures
    • Encourages healthy intestinal microbial communities

    Biofilms are protective encasements formed by microorganisms making them highly resistant to antimicrobials. Ther-Biotic® InterFase® is a unique enzyme formulation designed to break up the biofilm matrix that embeds the GI organisms.

    SKU# K-INT
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